
18 April 2010

Ternate in east Indonesia

Small island in eastern Indonesia to save memory.

The first mosque in eastern Indonesia stood here, erected by the Sultan of Ternate to-28: Saidi Barakati, in the year 1606, with the original architecture remains, which is of stone and natural adhesives from tree bark capuran kalumpang and overlap pyramid-shaped roof that at 360 penuhu carved fruit bars, as a sign of the number of days in a year. The mosque is named Masjid Sultan of Ternate.

It is said that the people of Ternate was also associated with the merchants of China, this is evident in the Thian Hou King Shrine founded in 1657 and also the oldest in Eastern Indonesia. Location of the temple not far from Fort Orange.

There are the Catholic Church which was founded in 1523 by Franciscus Xavier / Jesuit missionaries, she first person to transmit the Catholic religion in Ternate. Church made of stone composition - this stone is also called the Church of the Rock, is a church of one - only in Ternate. His name is the Church of Saint Wilibrordus.

There again that is: the world's oldest Clove Trees in Ternate, namely: Clove Afo, located on the slopes of Mount Gamalama, age at 400 years old crushes, 36.60 meters high, approximately 198 cm in diameter and 4.26 cm linkaran.

Ternate Beautiful, Unique, historic, may remain sustainable and can be useful for future generations.

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